Friday, March 27, 2009

Girl on a Mission!

So my mission tonight, should I choice to accept it, is to put everything that is out away....and, I'm not done, since I'll be able to reach everywhere, dust, then vacuum and sweep the floor. For extra credit, I will be attempting to have the kitchen spotless. This includes, cabinet doors wiped off, stove cleaned, and all dishes put away.


Well, the man came home early last night, I was planning on having an hour after I laid the little man down, but it didn't happen that way. But between last night and this morning (while the man was occupying the little man) I did get to clean up *some* toys and clutter, got 3 loads of laundry done - one being diapers, so who ever cloth diapers knows that takes a little bit longer (not much though) than regular laundry, and the kitchen in clean, but I didn't have time to wipe off the cabinet doors. Maybe by Monday I'll have time to dust, sweep and vacuum. But for this mission, I give myself a B+

Day of Weeds

Well, yesterday was a very full day, along with getting Mr. Meowgi (my very cute female cat) fixed, I spent just about the whole day outside enjoy the warm weather and playing in my garden. That garden needed so many darn weeds pulled. And these aren't just regular weeds, these are super duper, root-y weeds. They run throughout the ground of the garden, not too much poking their head out, but I know they would definitely decide to invade my garden the minute I plant my veggies, so they had to go. Now my garden is looking more and more like a real garden. I even dreamed of weeding last night. Not the best thing to dream about, but it's understandable since I spent more than 5 hours outside weeding.

This morning I'm just trying to finish my first cup of coffee so I can have that boost of energy to get stuff done. We'll see what gets done today.