Thursday, May 1, 2014

Planting time

Now that our awful, long winter is over, it's time I plant and start to grow my vegetables.  I am lucky enough to be able to use Husbands parents backyard for growing.  They only live about 5 minutes away and have around 2 acres.  Our yard is only about a quarter acre and our lab just loves to eat any plant.  I have already lost a large rose bush and 3 butterfly bushes to her.  I have about 20 feet of sugar snap peas (some were damaged by a late hard frost), 12 Snowball cauliflowers, 175 onions, and 22 tomato plants.  Last year I only grew 14 tomato plants.  I ran out of tomato sauce in January, salsa in April, and I only have a few canned diced tomatoes left.  I have never grown cauliflower before so those are really just an experiment.  Our broccoli that we grew was too strong of a flavor.

My tomato varieties are:
16 Better Boys - my favorite beef steak tomato
2 Romas - trying them again, but they didn't yield very well and by the time the whole tomato was ripe enough to pick, it was turning brown inside
7 Sungold (3 are staying at home) - my boys treat these like they are candy and can not leave them alone, I was unable to grow any last year because I didn't start any from seed since we were moving, but the year before we had 2 of them and that wasn't quite enough, my soil at home isn't very good (10 year old house with awful clay soil) and the tomatoes I planted last year only grew to about 3 feet, we also didn't get much off of them because a 2 year old kept picking off all the green ones and throwing them down the driveway

I plan on growing 6 zucchinis and possibly 2 yellow squash.  I might plant some cucumbers.  I am also going to be planting Kentucky Wonder and some Blue Lake green beans after the sugar snap peas are done in about a month.  I don't know how much I'll get, but I'm hoping to get enough to freeze some.

My 6 year old wants me to plant carrots.  They didn't work out very well last time I planted them, so if I have room and remember, I will probably plant some of those.

Sugar snap peas

The ones on the left trellis are Super Sugar snap peas, and the ones on the right trellis are Sugar Daddy


white, red, and yellow



a Better Boy inside it's cage

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