Friday, May 30, 2014

The Weeds! I Need More Straw! 5-30-2014

Here are my sugar snap peas:
The left is Sugar Daddy Sweet Pea, they are shorter, they produce a lot of flat pods, and more grew from what I planted,
the right is Super Sweet Sugar Snap, there are about 1/2 as less plants from the same amount planted, they are taller and have thicker stalks, they produce a nice thick juicy pod
Look at how thick the Super Sweet is
Can you see how dense the Sugar Daddy grows?
Ready to pick!
Once he figured out not to pick the leaves, he did pretty good at making them disappear

He is so excited that he can eat something...he loves food
My first harvest of the year! 

Onions, Cukes, Carrots, Jalepeno, Rosemary, Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Sugar Snap Peas, Green Beans


Red Onion

Green Beans - Kentucky Wonder
Close up of Kentucky Wonder

Tomatoes:  I had a lot of thistle to pick and I didn't bring my raw hide gloves, just regular garden gloves

 Can you see the little tomato!?!

Look at that!

My popsicle sticks that the kids love to play with and work great to label plants, they kind of blend in and are hard to see unless you are looking for them. I bought a big box here. The kids love them and they are super cheap.  1000 for $8 and free shipping! 

My watermelon is actually growing

My Father-in-law's lettuce....isn't it just beautiful, I want to plant some in my flower garden

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